Handcraft & custom made
by khaki lake
Only my delicate scent remains in the world for a while and leaves.
It's perfume. Observing the life of a flower is like looking into a human life. I bloom without knowing what I will become and where I will take root.
Scattered. The place where I settled is my hometown, and I live fully adapting to the environment. That's how I do my duty, burst flowers, and my life slowly fades away. Only my delicate scent remains in the world for a while and leaves.
When a substance passes through a waterway with a firm identity
reborn into something completely new.
Only my delicate scent remains in the world for a while and leaves.
It's perfume.
Observing the life of a flower is like looking into a human life. I bloom without knowing what I will become and where I will take root.
Scattered. The place where I settled is my hometown, and I live fully adapting to the environment.
That's how I do my duty, burst flowers, and my life slowly fades away.
― Stage by Khaki Lake & GAKIHARA
aggressive but orderly
intended variation
lingering in head
Dawn island, CEO Minha Kim, Business License: 883-23-01742, Communication Sales Business Report: 2023-Byeol nae-0391 , Address: 경기도 남양주시 식송2로 15-47 B01, 우리은행 1005-804-485493 김민하(던아일랜드)
E-mail : gakihara.biz@gmail.com
Dawn Island 던아일랜드, CEO: 김민하, Business License: 883-23-01742, Communication Sales Business Report: 2023-Byeolnae-0391 , Address: 경기도 남양주시 식송2로 15-47 B01, 우리은행 1005 804 485493 김민하
E-mail : gakihara.biz@gmail.com